The holiday newsletter is out!
Click on the cover image below to open the full newsletter in flipbook format.
Here are a few highlights:
We Thank our Volunteers…
NOTHING happens without our volunteers, their selfless, tireless devotion and hard work is appreciated by the Angel Horses organization. Albert Jones (below) did not let us down as, once again, he farmed his pasture, cut and baled his grass hay AND delivered it to our property with a smile and a hug!
Congratulations to Jonnie Jonckowski on being recognized as one of the NILE heroes for 2021. Jonnie started Angel Horses in 1998, running it out of her home until 2017 when Angel Horses purchased a bigger property in west Billings. The property, known as the ‘Red Barn’ has undergone extensive renovations by volunteers and is an ongoing development. Angel Horses uses rescued horses and donkeys, giving them a second chance by providing comfort and compassionate care for our senior ‘shut-in’ community, cancer patients and their caregivers, veterans, at risk youth and special needs kids. Angel Horses provides lunch,/snacks, entertainment (someone plays guitar and sings) based on the individuals or groups visiting.
The horses enjoy being touched and brushed as much as the folks enjoy doing so! Services are provided at no charge to those who suffer physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially. Jonnie herself suffered a tumor in her head in 2003, which took many surgeries and drained her financial security. She knows firsthand what many who suffer are going through. Recently, she loves time spent in her cart, driving her Norwegian Fjord ‘Yoda’.

Jonnie has years of experience riding, showing and jumping horses. She is also a wood carver and in-home personal fitness trainer. In the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s she was a professional bull rider, winning world titles and was inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame in 1991.
Jonnie says, “I am blessed with a family that loves me and instilled my love for Jesus Christ at an early age and for this I am most grateful. This is why Angel Horses was born, the need to spread God’s love through human touch, care of animals and not to ever forget our neighbor!” Jonnie’s life motto is: Never give up! When you think you have done enough, guess what? You can do so much more!